Melbourne: 12 Mar 2025, 3:36 PM  Tehran: 22/12/1403، 8:06 AM

Express Money Exchange

Below is a list of services provided by Express Money Exchange:

Transfers between Iran and Australia

This is the most common type of transaction between Iran and Australia. In this method, the equivalent of the amount is transferred to the recipient (after the amount and the documents are received) within two working days (if the amount is below $20,000). For amounts over $20,000, a different time will be agreed upon.

Student transfer discounts

Since the basis of our work is to provide services for our fellow Iranian students, special price discounts will be applied for student transfers (with the necessary documents being provided).

Transfers to universities, conferences, and immigration agencies

Through this service, the amount will be transferred to the specified organization within two working days (after the amount and the documents have been received). It must be noted that holidays in Australia and in the country in which the recipient is located will cause delays in the transfer. Please note that most conference registration fees, which must be paid via credit cards, will be charged an extra fee of $20.

Registration for engineering, medicine, and other associations in Australia

Through this service, the amount will be transferred to the specified organization within three working days (after the amount and the documents have been received). It must be noted that holidays in Australia will cause delays in the process. Please note that this service requires an Express Money Exchange personnel to be present in the bank, receive the money order, and make the transfer to the specified organization and will, therefore, include an extra fee of $40.